Saturday, October 13, 2007

Randy checks in, offers his update on the editing process (about which he knows nothing)

Breaking news: all of Dayci's scenes have been cut. Russell is now the main character.

In related news, Russell has announced he's almost done with his cut of the film.


Hey, everybody. I thought this would be a good time for a quick update.

Editing is moving along. Russell and I have been working hard and we're getting close to a presentable rough cut. Right now, we're mostly polishing up some of the technical aspects and still playing around with music. But it is in pretty good shape, and we're happy with the way it's coming together. In fact, we should have a cut to show people soon, hopefully within the next few weeks. In the bigger picture, we hope to have a final cut by the end of the year or so, and submit to festivals shortly after that.

Speaking of music, if anyone knows a musician who would let us use their music, please let me know. We have some music, but I'd like to have as many options as possible. I'm looking for, primarily, upbeat instrumentals in different styles, to be used in the beginning and end, and in the background of some of the date scenes.

The idea has been brought up to have a screening party for the rough cut. I think that would be great, but I don't have any immediate thoughts on where we could host the party. If anyone has an idea, please pass it along.

This site is still a work in progress. Credits and bios should be up soon, and hopefully more photos. If there's anything else you want to see here, let me know. Or post, and add it yourself! Also, let me know what you think of the basic design and share any other suggestions.

I think that's it for now. I'm excited about the way the film is coming together, and can't wait for everyone to see it.
